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4Q2023 OKRs

2 min read ·

Objectives and Key Results, or OKRs, are a way to track and make your goals measurable. Objectives are what you want to do, they should be concise and clear key results are how, they are the quantitative metrics you look to improve.

This is my first time doing them, so I’m restricting myself to 2 key results per objective and two different areas, the company I’m founding, Mind, and my personal life. Public sharing this makes me more accountable and certain that I will follow through with them, I recommend you do it as well if you want to follow a goal-setting framework, maybe not on the internet but at least with friends and family.

At the end of the quarter, I will score each key result from 0-1, and come up with new key results. Historically, > 0.7 is considered success, this is if you didn’t make your KRs too easy, scoring 1s on all of them would mean you didn’t stretch enough. In the case of partial success, > 0.4, or failure I will choose to roll it over to the next quarter or drop it. It will all be published here, alongside my post-mortem thoughts.

# Structure [Area] - [Objective] - [Key Result]
# Structure [Area] - [Objective] - [Key Result]

